MOOSIN' With Team MooseMan (Book)
Grab this 80 page book and come along with us as our journey with wildlife continues. It’s filled with full color photos along with the stories about our our adventures!
Mooseman Nature Photography
We are the Libbeys, Rick & Libby, of MooseMan Nature Photography.
(Yes, I’m Libby Libbey now.)
It is our passion to share our wildlife photography with you.
We put the time in sitting with various wildlife and capturing them just being themselves.
It is our lifelong dream to bring these animals and their stories to you through photography and video.
Gratitude fills the heart as the journey continues.
a picture is worth a thousand words
A video even more…

We aim to capture unique moments with these animals, from crazy fun to touching and cute, to share with you.
Respect Nature
And it will trust you
Gear That We Use
Nikon Gear
I've been shooting Nikon gear since the 70's. To begin, my advice for any photographers, especially those starting out is to pick a brand and stay with it.
One of the biggest mistakes anyone can make is changing brands after you have learned a particular system, learned the menus, learned the buttons, why would it make sense to switch and start over.
Many will disagree with me on this point, and that's their own choice, but facts are facts. Being completely familiar with a certain brand of camera gives you an advantage from the git-go.